Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Ode Less Traveled... finished!

It's national poetry month!  To celebrate it, instead of bringing a bunch of comics to work on during my recent trip out to Portland, Oregon, I brought The Ode Less Traveled by Stephen Fry and a notebook to write in.  After almost TWO YEARS of working my way through this book, I am happy to announce that I finally finished it off today!  Thank goodness for long flights and even longer train rides.

Needless to say, it was one of the most challenging, yet rewarding books I have ever read.  If you are interested in learning more about poetry, I highly recommend it!

There were a total of twenty poetry exercises in the book, and it looks like I left you all hanging back on exercise number nine, so I'll try to post the rest of my examples, a few each week and then I can get back to writing some new limericks!

1 comment:

andrewlips said...

ace! i love mr. fry! x - lips.